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Info Brandoni

Via Novara, 199 - 28078
Romagnano Sesia(NO) - ITALY

+39 0163.828111


R.E.A. Novara N. 80533 – Mecc. NO 001989

Iscr. Reg. Impr. Novara NO 106-7342
Capitale sociale EURO 1.200.000,00

C.F./P.IVA 00113680037

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Brandoni Valvulas

Calle del YESO 2 BIS 28500

Brandoni Cina

Qingdao Besmart Valves CO., LTD.
Address: No. 796 Huaning Road. Huangdao District, Qingdao, Shandong Province, China
Tel: 0086- (0)532 8817 2967